I have the whole range of hardware and software necessary for ECU flashing, recovery and cloning for the following systems
- Trionic 5.2
- Trionic 5.5
- Trionic 7
- Trionic 8
- ME9.2
- BDM recovery on Volvo CEM ECU
I do NOT offer tuning, you can supply a custom bin to flash to the ECU but I cannot be held responsible for any engine failure or damage to your vehicle as a result of this
- ECU gloves for T5/7/8/ME9.2
- Live map cables for NG900/OG9-3
- Tech2 with V44 and V148 memory cards with working GlobalTIS
- Lawicel CANUSB + OBD Cable
- CombiAdapter V2 + BDM Cable
- Just4Trionic + OBD & BDM Cable
- OBDLink SX
Saab Turbo Club of Sweden (STCS) and TrionicTuning Bronze (TT) members only pay shipping costs if mailing me the ECU(s)
Non STCS/TT Bronze members pays €30 ( the cost of a STCS membership ) per ECU + shipping
€10 for BDM pin header soldering T5/T7
Tech2 help, mail me to arrange what you need
I am located in Mälardalen, Sweden between Stockholm and Västerås
I can do outcall within reasonable distance for a symbolic fee (ass, gas or grass)
You can reach me at saab {a} roffe.nu or roffe84 on STCS & TT